18 August 2015

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                                       INSOMINIA (SLEEPLESSNESS)

Insominia is a sleeping disorder that makes it difficult for one to fall asleep or stay asleep.

                                                      CAUSES OF INSOMINIA

Common causes of insominia are; Stress or depression, Use of substance such as nicotine,caffeine and alcohol, some medication, late eating at night,poor sleeping hjabits change in your environment ,illness,emotional discomfort,concentration problem.

                               SYMPTOMS OF IMSOMINIA (SLEEPLESSNESS)

Some of the symptoms of insominia include; Problem sleeping at night,Lose of concentration easily,Tiredness or fatigue,Waking up too early, Headaches.


Ingredients;Palm oil.
Preparation;Take congealed palm oil.
Dosage;Take 2 spoonful of congealed palm oil.