7 August 2015

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                                               BLEEDING DURING PREGNANCY

Bleeding during pregnancy is the release of blood during pregnancy .Although bleeding during pregnancy is common. However, it is still important to know the reason for the bleeding. Sometimes, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy could be a sign of miscarriage.

                                               CAUSES OF VAGINAL BLEEDING
Some Causes Of Vaginal Bleeding  Include ;Cervix infection ,Early labor miscarriage.

                                 SYMPTOM OF BLEEDING DURING PREGNANCY
Some of the symptoms of bleeding  during pregnancy include: Fever ,Chills, Contractions  cramping. Abdominal  pain.
                                                            NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredient: Guava leave, Africa star apple leaves, water
Preparation: Squeeze guava leaves  and Africa star apple  together, with a cup of water  and drink.
DOSAGE: Drink anytime and it will clot the  blood at once.
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                                                                QUITE SMOKING
Quite smoking occurs when one suddenly stop smoking
                                                           NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients:Wild sugarcane
Preparation:To remove the nicotine from the body:Extract the juice from wild sugarcane
Dosage:Take one glass in 2 weeks
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                                                       (ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION)
Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotency.This refers to a situation where a man is not capable of maintaining an erection long enough for sexual intercourse.

                                                         CAUSES OF IMPOTENCY
Some causes of impotency are;Taking drugs like nicotine and anti-depressant,Alcoholism,Obesity, Ageing Diabetes,High blood pressure,Tobacco,Low testosterone.

                                                            NATURAL REMEDY
Preparation;Boil 3 big onions and squeeze out juice.Filter and mix with the same quantity of honey stir the mixture and boil again until it reaches the boiling point Remove and allow to get cold before pouring into bottle.
DOSAGE;Take 1 spoonful of the mixture,3 times daily after meal

                                          ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION TO IMPOTENCY
Ingredients;Unripe paw-paw,water
Preparation;Crush unripe paw-paw.Put the crushed unripe paw-paw in a gallon and add water.Allow for 4 days to ferment.
DOSAGE;Take one glass,3 times daily for 8 weeks.

NB;Trace the cause before any treatment is being taking.
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                                                                   FOOD POISONING
Food poisoning is an illness caused by consuming contaminated food or water.Food poisoning is caused by eating poisonous substances which could disturbances to the organism.it could also be caused by bacteria,virus,fungi.

Some of the symptoms of food poisoning include;Nausea,Vomiting,Confusion,Extreme pain,Unconsciousness,Agitation,Seizures,Fever,Diarrhea

                                                              NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients;Bitter leaves,Palm oil.

PREPARATION;Get bitter leavers and squeeze with water to extract the bitter leaf water.Then,add palm oil.

DOSAGE;Drink the mixture immediately.
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Dandruff is a skin condition that causes some dry scaly material to form on the scalp.

                                                  CAUSES OF DANDRUFF
Some of the causes of dandruff includes;Dry scalp,Some skin infection like eczema,Oily skin,Infrequent use of shampoos,Lotions with alcoholic content,Extreme weather.

                                                SYMPTOM OF DANDRUFF 
Some symptoms of dandruff include;Scratching on the head,Skin scales,Hair loss,Reddish scalp,Swollen scalp.

                                                       NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients;Cucumber,black soap,water.
Preparation;Extract cucumber juice,Mix the cucumber juice with black soap,Wash the scalp with the mixture and leave it for 15 minutes,Then wash with warm water

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Epilepsy is an neurological disorder due to electrical signal surges in the brain resulting to recurring seizures.

                                                        CAUSES OF EPILEPSY
Some causes of epilepsy include;Dementia,Brain disease such as meningitis,Brain tumor,Head injury,Alcoholism,Stroke,Genetic influence.

                                                      SYMPTOM OF EPILEPSY
Some symptom of epilepsy are;Loss of consciousness,Staring spell,Confusion fro a temporary time,Extreme jerking movement of the arms and leg.

                                                         NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients;water,passion flower,honey.
Preparation;Get some quantity of passion flower,both the leaves and flower(petals)into hot water and add honey to it.
Dosage;Take 1 glass 2 times daily for one month.
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Diabetes is a disease due to high level of sugar content in the blood,Some type of diabetes are type 1,type 2,gestational diabetes.

                                                        CAUSES OF DIABETES
Causes of diabetes include;Environmental factor,obesity in the placenta during pregnancy,genetic influence.

                                                       SYMPTOM OF DIABETES
Some of the symptoms of diabetes include;Fatigue or weakness,Excessive thirst,Excessive appetite,Urinating frequently,Wounds heal slowly,Unusual weight loss.

                                                             NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients;bitter leaves,scent leaves,lime,garlic.
Preparation;Squeeze fresh bitter leaves,scent leaves ,lime juice and garlic together and them filter.
Dosage;take one (1)cup,morning and night.