9 August 2015

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Woman Infertility refers to the inability of a woman getting pregnant

                                        CAUSES OF WOMAN INFERTILITY
Some of the causes of woman infertility include:Genetic influence,Environment factors,Smoking,Aging,Damage or blockage of the fallopian tube,Fibroid,Menopause,Ovulation problem,Female reproductive cancer,Some certain medication.

                                  SYMPTOMS OF WOMAN INFERTILITY 
Some of the symptoms of woman infertility include:Inability to be pregnant,Miscarriage,Painful periods,Abnormal periods,No periods,Irregular periods,Abnormal ovulation,Pain during sexual intercourse,Hair loss,Frequent aches,Changes in sex drive,Changes in skin.

                                                   NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients:Bark of kola nut,Water.
Preparation:Peal and boil the bark of native kola nut tree with water.As far as you don't have infection,you will be pregnant after this treatment.
Dosage:Take half glass 2 times daily for 7 days.