8 August 2015

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                                                                HAIR BREAKING

Hair breaking refers to the cutting away of the hair perms and braids could cause hair breakage.

                                                        HAIR NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients:Honey,olive oil,water.
Preparation:Mix honey with olive oil of same measures.warm the mixture and rub the warmed mixture on the hair and wait for 15 minutes.After 15 minutes was the hair.
Dosage:Do this once every month
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Fibroid are tumors or lumps that grow in the womb.Untreated fibroid could lead to infertility and frequent miscarriages.

                                                             CAUSES OF FIBROID 
Some causes of fibroid are:Hereditary,Careless of use contraceptives,Abortion,Excessive D & C,Hormones,Genetic influence,Some chemicals,Excess of starchy food.

                                                          SYMPTOM OF FIBROID 
Some symptoms of fibroid are:Heavy bleeding during menstrual period, Increase in urination due to fibroid growth,Back pain,Leg pain,Pelvic pain,Constant menstrual pain,Pain during sex,Loss of appetite,Constipation.

                                                           NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients:water,neem bark,root and leaves.
Preparation:Boil the neem bark,root and leaves with water.
Dosage:preserve and drink

Prevention:Take 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning everyday.Then get white kernel(unripe kernel nut)chew at least 25 to 30 nut everyday for 12 weeks,if pain follows.take one glass of aloe vera juice plus honey.
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                                                                     FIRE BURNS

Fire Burns is an injury to the skin caused by fire,

                                                       SYMPTOM OF FIRE BURNS
Symptom of the fire burn include:Redness of the skin,Pain,Swelling of the burned area of the skin,Blisters.

                                                         NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredients:Mango leaves,water.
Preparation:Burn mango leaves to ashes and mix the ashes with little water.Apply the mixture to the fire wounds.
Dosage:Whenever there is the fire burn.
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                                                           HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

High Blood pressure (Hypertension) refers to the increase in the force of the blood against(blood vessels)

                               CAUSES OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE(HYPERTENSION)
The causes of Hypertension are:Illegal drugs,Aging,Genetic influence,Environmental factors.

Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure include:Nose bleeding,Dull headaches,Dizzy spells.

HBP:is a silent killer,it symptoms are not noticable at the early stage,until it reaches its severe stage.

                                                             NATURAL REMEDY:
Ingredients:mistletoe flower,corn hairs/silk.
Preparation;boil mistletoe flower and drink as tea.Alternatively,Boil the corn silk or make an infusion of it and drink as tea.
Dosage:take 1 cup,2 times daily for 2 weeks.
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                                                             LOW SPERM COUNT

Low sperm count refers to the condition of a man, not having an appreciable amount of sperm in the semen.

                                                         CAUSES OF LOW SPERM
Some of the causes of low sperm count include;lack of semen ejaculation,Some STDs (sexually transmitted diseases),Smoking,Hormonal problems,Genetic factors,Some certain medication,Antibodies that attack sperm.

                                              SYMPTOMS OF LOW SPERM COUNT
Symptoms if low sperm count include;Low sex drive,Discomfort in the testicle area,Inability to conceive a child.

                                                             NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredient:Guava leaves,Carrot,Cucumber,Water.
Preparation:Squeeze fresh guava with water.
Dosage:Drink a glass once daily for 3 days.On the 4th day,eat plenty of carrots and cucumber repeat if necessary.

                                         ALTERNATIVE TO LOW SPERM COUNT
Another alternatively to low sperm count is by applying a home remedy sperm booster.
Ingredients; Soya beans,groundnut,pap,roasted plantain,carrots.
Preparation;Grind Soya beans with groundnut and add pap to it,Eat roasted plantain after meal also eat carrot.
Dosage;prepare anytime.it gives tremendous result
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                                                                   HEART ATTACK

Heart attack is the attack or damage or death to part of the heart muscle which could result to heart failure.Heart attack could be caused by the blockage of one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the heart.

                                                          CAUSES OF HEART ATTACK
Some other causes of heart attack include;Smoking,High level of cholesterol,Inadequate exercise,Side effect of certain drugs,High blood pressure.

                                                       SYMPTOMS OF HEART ATTACK
Symptoms of heart attack include;Feeling pressure in the heart,Feeling chest pain which could extend to some other parts of the body,Feeling pain in the upper abdomen,Vomiting,Difficulty in breathing,Fainting.

                                                                  NATURAL REMEDY
Method:To prevent heart attack;Chew a big onion head and a ripped tomato for seven night
Dosage:Seven night