8 August 2015

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                                                             LOW SPERM COUNT

Low sperm count refers to the condition of a man, not having an appreciable amount of sperm in the semen.

                                                         CAUSES OF LOW SPERM
Some of the causes of low sperm count include;lack of semen ejaculation,Some STDs (sexually transmitted diseases),Smoking,Hormonal problems,Genetic factors,Some certain medication,Antibodies that attack sperm.

                                              SYMPTOMS OF LOW SPERM COUNT
Symptoms if low sperm count include;Low sex drive,Discomfort in the testicle area,Inability to conceive a child.

                                                             NATURAL REMEDY
Ingredient:Guava leaves,Carrot,Cucumber,Water.
Preparation:Squeeze fresh guava with water.
Dosage:Drink a glass once daily for 3 days.On the 4th day,eat plenty of carrots and cucumber repeat if necessary.

                                         ALTERNATIVE TO LOW SPERM COUNT
Another alternatively to low sperm count is by applying a home remedy sperm booster.
Ingredients; Soya beans,groundnut,pap,roasted plantain,carrots.
Preparation;Grind Soya beans with groundnut and add pap to it,Eat roasted plantain after meal also eat carrot.
Dosage;prepare anytime.it gives tremendous result