14 August 2015

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                                  STOMACH ULCER

Stomach Ulcer is a wound or injury inside the inner lining of the stomach which causes extreme pain ,Stomach ulcer could also be referred to as Peptic ulcer.

                                            CAUSES OF STOMACH ULCER

Stomach ulcer causes include;A bacteria called Helicobacter pylori,Frequent use of  pain relievers,some medication,Smoking,Alcoholism.

                                          SYMPTOMS OF STOMACH ULCER.

Some of symptoms of stomach ulcer include;Nausea,Vomiting,Weight loss,Pain,Loss of appetite.

                                        STOMACH ULCER NATURAL REMEDY

Ingredients;Unripe plantain,Water.
Preparation;Get 8 pieces of unripe plantain and peal off the coats.Put the unripe plantain into a 4 liter gallon and add water.Allow for four days to ferment.On the 4th day,shake vigorously.
Dosage;Half glass,2 times daily for 2 weeks,In the morning;drink one hour before eating your breakfast.in the night;eat your supper one hour before drinking it.

Caution;Avoid Pepper,Guava,Coke,Bear,Lime,Grape and Hot drinks.